I Need New Tires
Did you know that you’re more likely to get into an accident if you don’t regularly change your tires? If you want to be safe while driving, you should have tires that are fit for the road. This is why it’s important that you know how to recognize the signs you need new tires. This will help you to feel more certain that you’re doing everything you can do to be a safe driver. If you want to find out how to know whether or not you should change your tires, read on and we’ll tell you what you need to know.
1. Try the Penny Test
If you have tire problems, all that you need in order to perform this test is a penny. Take the penny in your hand with Lincoln’s head facing down and put it in the tread groove. If you’re able to see the top of Lincoln’s head, you’ll know that you need to get new tires.
2. Check for the Cracked Sidewall of Your Tires
With wear and tear of use, your tires begin to crack and dry out. If you don’t change them after this has happened, it’s possible that your tires will blow out. If you’ve done lots of driving in poor weather conditions or if your tires have been incorrectly aligned, your tires will probably wear out more quickly.
3. Be Aware if There Are Bulges in Your Tires
Bring your car to our automotive shop in order to get your tires checked out if you notice that any of them have bulges. If you don’t do anything, it’s possible that the bulging tires will explode. When your tires are bulging, it’s a sign that there are weak spots on the tires. If this is the case, it’s important to talk to your mechanic about tire replacement. This is similar to what happens when people get hernias.
4. Take Action if the Tire Pressure Light on Your Car Turns On
If you’ve got a newer model of car, it’s possible that you have a TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System). This system will let you know when one of your tires is under-inflated. If this light is frequently turning on, it might be a sign that your tires need to be replaced.
5. Check Your Tires if Your Car Shakes When You Drive It
If your car is shaking when you’re driving, it’s usually related to an issue with your tires. The most common reason that your car shakes is that the metal belts inside of your tires have slipped. The only way that you can fix this is by buying new tires. If your car is shaking when you’re driving, it’s also possible that your wheels are simply improperly aligned. This is something that we can easily fix. Regardless of what the cause may be, if your car is shaking, you should bring it to get checked out by a mechanic as soon as you’re able.
Know the Signs You Need New Tires Before It’s Too Late
If you’re not sure how long you’ve brought your car to the mechanic, it’s important that you know the signs you need new tires. If you don’t replace your tires in time, it’s more likely that you’ll get into an accident. If you need car maintenance, we’re here to help. Along with installing tires, we can perform vehicle maintenance, diagnostics, and alignments. Please visit our services page in order to find out more about how we can help you.